A smattering of digital activities to launch BB10.
The launch of their new OS called BB10 was BlackBerry's attempt at making people start taking them seriously again. The launch campaign was based on the insight that all this new technology would help you become more efficient, in both business and in life. We came up with a range of ways to showcase the new features on the phone.
The new Z10 handset from BlackBerry came with technology that analysed how you wrote and helped you write faster and more efficiently. To prove just how efficient we made The BlackBerry Text Race, an online campaign where people could test their own phone against BB10s new intelligent texting function.
One of the main new features on the BB10 handsets was something called the BlackBerry Hub - a menu that made it easy to navigate your way around the phone, while also streamlining everything from SMS and emails to LinkedIn and Skype conversations. To showcase this new Hub function we took over the homepage of two large news channels, The New York Times and The Guardian. The take over demoed a realistic version of how the Hub function actually worked on the phone, allowing people to browse news through the user interface of BB10.
When working on the launch campaign for BlackBerry's new BB10 handsets we presented a whole new feature to include on all the phones. It was a service that would analyse just how efficiently you used your phone, and help you find ways to improve how you used it.
It was in production for over a year, before it got killed. Tear. Anyway, here's a video that explains how amazing it could have been.